

Czech association for protection and study of amphibians and reptiles

Amphibian of the year

HERPETA - Czech Association for Protection and Study of Amphibians and Reptiles

Reptile of the year

HERPETA - Czech Association for Protection and Study of Amphibians and Reptiles


Amphibian and reptile of the year 2021

12.03. 2021

The amphibian of the year 2021 in the Czech Republic was chosen the agile frog (Rana dalmatina) and the reptile of the year was chosen the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis).The aim of this...

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Spring excursions

01.03. 2021

Spring excursions will be organized from the end of March to June. E.g. traditionally, the Frog Croaking will take place near Lysa nad Labem at the end of April. If it will not possible to meet directly at the locality due to...

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Amphibian and reptile of the year 2017

01.01. 2017

The amphibian of the year 2017 in the Czech Republic was chosen the spadefoot (Pelobates fuscus) and the reptile of the year was chosen the Aesculapean snake (Zamenis longissimus).The...

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Meet the most endangered frog species in the Czech Republic

28.10. 2016

Videospot about the most enadangered frog species in the Czech Republic.

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